
Microsoft recently announced the general availability of Azure Stack HCI, the new subscription service for hyper-converged infrastructure (HCI) from Microsoft Azure. With the GA of Azure Stack HCI, Microsoft brings together the familiarity and flexibility of on-premises virtualization with powerful new hybrid capabilities.

At it’s core, Azure Stack HCI is a solution that combines the following:

  • Validated hardware from an OEM partner (this can be existing aswell as new)
  • Azure Stack HCI operating system
  • Windows Admin Center
  • Azure services

More Information/Microsoft Learn

There are a number of Microsoft Learn modules now available here worth looking at - https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/learn/paths/azure-stack-hci-foundations/


You can setup a 30 day trial/demo/lab for Azure Stack HCI using some on prem hardware - or better yet if you don’t have this kit available to you, it can be setup using nested virtualisation in Azure.

Microsoft provide some great step by step documentation on how to deploy this here - https://github.com/Azure/AzureStackHCI-EvalGuide/blob/main/README.md